Theme: From Innovation to Enforcement of Advanced Techniques in Nursing

Holistic Nursing 2020

Holistic Nursing 2020

Join us for the World Holistic Nursing 2020

Theme:  From Innovation to Enforcement of Advanced Techniques in Nursing

Update your skills, enhance your knowledge base, and broaden your horizons - all in one place!     

6th World Holistic Nursing Conference held brief keynote presentations, speaker talks, exhibition, symposia, and workshops, with the theme ‘From Innovation to Enforcement of Advanced Techniques in Nursing’.

Who Should Attend: 

Holistic Nursing 2020 brings all the individuals at the same time who have interest in various fields of nursing like psychiatric, cancer, cardiac, critical care, adult & women health, legal, pediatric and emergency nursing, midwifery, public health, healthcare and medicine from practice, research, administration, policy and education. It is a gathering to impart education, personalize, integrative and technology-enabled teaching that will lead to ethical and culturally inclusive base for practice, ensuring team and communication skills, quality and system improvements, and lifelong learning.

ME Conferences Organizes 3000+ Conferences Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 900+ Open access journals which contain over 500000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

Target Audience:

  • Nurses and Nursing Students
  • Nursing Researchers
  • Nursing Professors and Faculty
  • Medical College students
  • Clinical Nursing & Midwifery Associations
  • Nursing Associations and Societies
  • Nursing Business Entrepreneurs
  • Nursing Training Institutes
  • Nursing Equipment designing companies
  • Medical Devices software Developer Companies
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Physician Assistants
  • Advanced Practice Nurses
  • Clinical Research Nurses and Social Workers

Track 1: Nursing in Health Care

The nurses play their significant role in four different spheres of health care i.e Nursing sphere, Healthcare sphere, Regional/National sphere and Global Sphere. There are organizations like the World Health Organization, World Bank, International Labour Organizations, United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA) in a global sphere which are directly linked to health. World Bank is not a bank but actually the biggest lender and investor in the healthcare system, poverty education, building economies, etc. In recent years, many advances have been done in healthcare to identify, fight and prevent more subtle abnormalities of function treatment of child wood cancer. Computer generated modeling is also used to control asthma that is used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-leukotriene medications immunotherapy& psychopharmaceutical treatment. Nurses with admirable clinical and managerial skills are in higher demand than ever

Track 2: Cardiac Nursing

Cardiac Nursing involves the nursing of patients who suffers from coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure or the patients who are recovering from angioplasty or bypass surgery. The nurses of this field treat and care for patients with various type of heart diseases or conditions. The cardiac nurses works closely with cardiologist and perform stress test evaluations on a regular basis. They also monitor the hearts of patients and administer heart medications. The cardiac nurses work in different units such as Coronary care units, Operating theatres, clinical research, cardiac medical wards, etc. The nurses working in cardiology must possess specialized skills in electrogram monitoring, medication administration by continuous intravenous drip and defibrillation. Cardiac nursing professionals are traditionally working in hospital cardiology units, cardiovascular interventional units, and cardiothoracic surgical units, the essential for cardiac nurses in diagnostic, rehabilitative, and long-term care settings is also on the rise. 

  • Benefits of low blood pressure
  • Global cardiovascular nursing leadership
  • Changes in cardiovascular risk factor in patients
  • Secondary prevention programmes to prevent cardiovascular diseases
  •  Health-related quality of life in heart diseases

Track 3: Rehabilitation Nursing

The nurses of rehabilitation centers assist individuals with a disability to adopt an altered lifestyle and provides a therapeutic environment for them and for their family’s development. These nurses possess specialized knowledge and clinical skills to provide care to clients and coordinates educational, nursing care activities and holistic approach. The rehabilitation staff nurse works in inpatient and outpatient settings that are found in a range of acute to subacute rehabilitation facilities. The rehabilitation nurses have various responsibilities like facilitating community education regarding the acceptance of people with disabilities. These nurses act as a resource and a role model for nursing staff and students. They also participate in activities like nursing committees and professional organizations that promote the improvement of nursing care and the advancement of professional rehabilitation nursing. Rehab nurses may be staff nurses or advanced practice nurses (clinical nurse specialists or nurse practitioners), who sub-specialize in rehabilitative care under a primary patient population focus.

Track 4: Telenursing

Telenursing and is also called telehealth or Telenursing. This type of nursing is gaining popularity due to the demand for greater access and convenience in health care. The advancement in technology has led to the interaction of nurses with patients who reside in remote areas. In Telenursing, telemedicine or telehealth technology is used to deliver nursing care and conduct nursing practice. Now, patients can easily access their health care providers through video conferencing, instant messaging, email and other forms of technology. The major benefit of this nursing is its cost-effectiveness. Other benefits associated with telemedicine are quality care, flexibility, reduce distance, save travel time and help to solve increase shortage of nurses. Telehealth encompasses a wide range of applications, including teleconsultations, telediagnosis, tele pharmacy, e-health via the Web, telephone triage/telephone advice, tele-emergency support, disease management, and tele homecare. 

Track 5: Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses (PMHN) 

Nurses are those that examine, assess, educate, and support patients, but do not counsel them. Such nurses possess psychiatric specialty and don’t provide any medication. PMHNs help the patients in their fragile time and help them to improve their life. They also make patients calm, help them to cope and build a therapeutic, meaningful relationship. The nurses need to keep balance while dealing with the patients who suffer from mental health. They have to show compassion and humanity. Psychiatric nurses have to focus on the objectives as the professional caregiver and serve the therapeutic needs of the patient.

Track 6: Disaster and Travel Nursing

Disaster Nursing mainly deals with the adaptation of professional knowledge, attitude and skills of a nurse that helps in recognizing and meeting the health and emotional needs of disaster victims. The goal of disaster nurses is to achieve the best possible level of health for the people and the community involved in the disaster. Other goals of disaster nurses are to identify potential for next disaster, meet the basic survival needs of the population in an area who are affected by a sudden calamity and promote highest achievable quality of life for survivors. Many times, nurses have to travel to the place where calamity occurred and help those people in the crisis. Nurses have to work in less-than-ideal conditions like having to live in pop-up tents. They also have to face all the stress that comes with crisis care.

Track 7: Oncology Nursing

The nurses in oncology possess cancer-specific knowledge base and clinical expertise in cancer care apart from the basic nursing program. The oncology nurses need to have RN license to become oncology certified. Caring for cancer patients is a physically, mentally and emotionally demanding job. The nurses caring for cancer patients not only keep track of numerous details throughout the day but also catches medication errors, prevent falls and know instinctively that when a patient needs immediate attention. Oncology nurses also form a relationship with the patients’ family and learn about their life and family. They even provide compassion and keep their patients calm amidst difficult situation.

Track 8:- Gerontological Nursing

Gerontological Nursing deals with the nursing of older adults, their families and communities so as to support aging and maximum quality of life. Geriatric nursing has replaced the term gerontological nursing in the 1970s and meet the needs of an aging population. Geriatric nurses need to have specialized skills in patient care, treatment planning, education, mental health and rehabilitation. They become advocates, counselors and educators for their patients. Nursing homes are established to provide 24/7 care to older adults. Gerontological nurses work in various acute care hospitals, rehabilitation, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, retirement homes, community health agencies and the patient’s home. 

Track 9: Orthopaedic Nursing

Orthopedic nurses provide improved quality of life to the patients who suffer from musculoskeletal injury. There are many issues related orthopedics like hospitalization for replacement of joint or loss of bone density. Since the healing process of such patients is very long and painful. Therefore, orthopedic nurses manage their day-to-day tasks with minimal pain. Such nurses dedicate their nursing career in improving the lives of those people who suffer from both acute injuries and chronic conditions. The orthopedic physicians only provide painkillers or prescribe a therapy regimen but it’s the main task of nurses to understand the needs of patients and heal their pain.

  • Impact of musculoskeletal disease on locomotive syndrome
  • Reason of emergence of enteric stoma
  • Evaluating impaired tissue integrity in orthopaedic patients
  • Effect of listening music on adult orthopaedic patients
  • Conservative treatment methods for osteoarthritis of the ankle

Track 10: Education and Research in Nursing

Nursing education involves the practical training of nurses so as to prepare them for their duties as nursing care professionals.Nursing education is also provided in the specialized areas like pediatric nursingmental health nursing, etc. Experienced nurses provide education to the nursing students. Nursing research is an evidence-based area of practice where nurses work as researchers in universities as well as in health care settings. Nursing research provides evidence to support nursing practices.

Track 11: Nursing of Women Health and Midwifery

Women health and midwifery nursing deals with the nursing of women who needs primary care during the child bearing years or their reproductive years. Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner provides prenatal, birth and postpartum care for women and their healthy new-borns. These nurses also provide medical specialists and some primary care services for women from menarche to menopause. The Nurse-Midwifery program was established by Georgetown University School of Nursing & Health Studies in the year 1972. This program includes innovative Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program. It provides opportunity to the students to study the health of women and midwifery practice through a strong academic program which includes advanced courses in pathophysiology, pharmacology, and health assessment.

Track 12: Pediatric & Neonatal Nursing Care 

Pediatric Nursing is the care of new borns and children upto juvenility. Pediatric nurses have to directly execute procedures and medicines to children according to prescribed nursing care plans. These type of nurses need to be specialized in handling stressful situations by having fast mobility and quick response towards them. They need to quickly diagnose the conditions and provide solution on the spot. Pediatric nurses must be particular in handling multifaceted trauma or illness cases with calmness. The goal of pediatric nurses is to foster the maximum growth and development and normalize the life of child during hospitalisation in preparation for the family home, school and community.

Track 13: Management Skills in Nursing

Efficient management skills are required by nurses so as to provide care to patients. Training for behavior management skills is given to nursing assistants which is integrated with the formal staff management system. Supervision is needed in order to maintain these skills and facilitate performance in nursing units. Nurses have to be knowledgeable about caring issues as well as the issues related to health. Nurses need to develop practical policies and become health legislators. The leadership skills of nurses can enhance the quality of patients care. Decision making, analyzing, control, and budgeting are the managerial roles played by nurse leaders. The political ideology of the health care system and the policy-making process will shape nursing leadership.

Track 14: Health Concept in Nursing Innovation 

Health is the chief concept for nursing. Epistemological, logical, pragmatical, and linguistically  are the 4 principles which are used to figure out the level of maturity of health concepts. It is found that the health concept in nursing is immature and additional concept development and clarification is needed. The health need to be defined in a consistent manner with its philopshical presuppositions by nursing authorities. The health needs to be measurable, experimental based and capture the results which are sensitive to the nursing interventions. Moreover, the practical implications for the concept of health need to be conceptualized which would be possible if the nurses have a consensus regarding the health.

Track 15: Advanced Health Care Transformation

In order to boost up the revenue and reduce the costs, Big data and Analytics are providing various insights to healthcare organizations. The analytics combine the traditional reporting data with web-based and unstructured extra-enterprise data so as to help payers from becoming the victim of medical fraud. Transformative changes have occurred in healthcare because of the roles played by nurses, their education and the respect they have earned. Social and disease-type demographics of change among citizens have also led to the advancement in health care. Many changes are needed in healthcare in order to meet the needs of people suffering from chronic diseases like cancerType 2 diabetesstroke, etc.

Track 16: Occupational health

Occupational health deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards. The health of the workers has several determinants, including risk factors at the workplace leading to cancers, accidents, musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory diseases, hearing loss, circulatory diseases, stress related disorders and communicable diseases and others

The current findings of National Health Service state the current condition of junior doctors and nurses in the hospitals. They created the data by asking at least 1500 doctors about their experience of delivering care to the patients in the stressed conditions.

According to data                                                                                                       

  • 64% doctors believe that patient safety has declined over the past year – 10% higher than last year
  • 93% experienced shortfall in staff– 9% higher than last year
  •  84% thinks that the workforce is demoralised – 2% higher than last year
  • 85% cite rising demand for their service over the past year – 7% higher than last year
  • 47% cite lower quality care over the past year – 10% higher than last year

Following points depicts the reason that why more medical errors are likely to occur.

  • 56% of doctors undertaking research do not have protected time for it
  • 54% of doctors undertaking leadership do not have protected time for it
  • 45% of doctors undertaking education and training do not have protected time for it.


The UAE healthcare market

The healthcare industry experienced significant growth over the past years, especially in medical spas. According to Euromonitor International, the forecast for the UAE spa market was USD 411 million in 2015. The Global Wellness Institute showed  that the Middle East and North African region is the second most rapidly growing spa market in the world.

Scope and Importance:-

Conferences pertaining to nursing allow nurses to participate in an area of career and education growth that is not easily found within the structure of the workplace. Joining such conference gives an opportunity to meet eminent people and learn the latest clinical information.

As the diversity is growing in population so renewed efforts are required to develop interventions that address cultural differences. Moreover, there are different demands for practice, research, and education based on geographic locations—mainly in rural and urban settings.

Changes are required in all the 3 aspects i.e practice, research and education. In practice, innovative, designed, evidence-based models of care for registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses who have the knowledge, leadership, and team skills to improve quality and address system change. In research, data can provide a starting base for clinical practice and expand our knowledge base in symptom science, wellness, self-management, and end-of-life as well as behavioral health, to demonstrate the value of nursing care and reduce health disparities. Hence, there is an urgent need to bring the research into practice and promote health care.


  • Published in Journal of Nursing & Care and provided with Department of interior
  • Global networking: In transferring and exchanging Ideas
  • A distinctive Opportunity for Advertisers and Sponsors at this International event Conference Highlights  

Top Societies and Association around the World:

  • Philippine Nurses Association
  • American Nurses Association
  • Canadian Nurses Association
  • Japanese Nursing Association
  • Nursing Association
  • Philippine Nurses Association of United Kingdom
  • Nursing & Midwifery Council United
  • CyNMA - Cyprus Nurses and Midwives Association
  • Pakistan nursing Councils and Associations in U.K
  • Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
  • American nurses association
  • American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgical Nurses, Inc.
  • Society of Pediatric Nurses
  • The Michael E. DeBakey International Surgical Society
  • Emergency Care Connection
  • Sigma Thetu Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
  • American Association of nurse anesthetists
  • Emergency Nurses Association
  • Interagency Council on Information Resources in Nursing (ICIRN)
  • American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
  • Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
  • Society of Laproendoscopic Surgeons
  • Japanese Nursing Association
  • Australian Association of Consultant Pharmacy
  • Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia
  • Australian Physiotherapy Association
  • European Oncology Nursing Society
  • Edinburgh University Students Association
  • Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
  • Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons
  • Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
  • Australasian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons
  • Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine
  • Urological Society of Australasia    

Top Universities in world offering Nurse Course:

  • Columbia University  
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Duke University
  • Washington University
  • University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • University of California— San Francisco
  • Vanderbilt University
  • University of North Carolina— Chapel Hill

Nursing Unions

  • Australian Nursing Federation
  • Canadian Federation of Nurses' Union
  • California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee (CNA/NNOC)
  • Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa
  • Finnish Union of Practical Nurses
  • Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation
  • Manitoba Nurses' Union
  • National Nurses United (NNU)
  • New South Wales Nurses' Association
  • New Zealand Nurses Organisation
  • Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals
  • Queensland Nurses' Union
  • Royal College of Nursing
  • South African Democratic Nurses' Union
  • Tennessee Nurses Association
  • United American Nurses
  • United Nurses of Alberta
  • Washington State Nurses Association

List of Top Hospitals in World:

  • Ayr Hospital
  • Babinda Hospital
  • Baillie Henderson Hospital
  • Bamaga Hospital
  • Banana District Community Health Service
  • Baralaba Multipurpose Health Service
  • Barcaldine Hospital
  • Beaudesert Hospital
  • Biggenden Health Service
  • Biloela Hospital
  • Blackall Hospital
  • Blackwater Multipurpose Health Service
  • Bollon Bush Nursing Service
  • Boonah Health Service
  • Boulia Primary Health Care Centre
  • Bowen Hospital
  • Brisbane Youth Detention Centre
  • Bundaberg Hospital
  • Burketown Health Centre
  • Caboolture Hospital
  • Cairns Hospital
  • Cairns North Community Health
  • Caloundra Health Service
  • Camooweal Health Centre
  • Capricorn Coast Hospital and Health Service
  • Central Queensland Rural Outpatient Clinic
  • Charleville Hospital
  • Charters Towers Health Centre

Related Societies:

USAAmerican Association of Nurse PractitionersAmerican Nurses Association, National Student Nurses Association, Society of Pediatric Nurses, Colorado Nurses Association, International Association of Forensic NursesNorth Carolina Nurses AssociationAmerican Association of Neuroscience Nurses, Kentucky Nurses Association, American Society of Registered NursesFlorida Nurses Association,  Texas Nurses AssociationNational Association of Hispanic NursesCalifornia Nurses Association,  American Nephrology Nurses AssociationKosovo Society of CardiologyNational Association of School Nurses, Oncology Nursing SocietyAmerican Association of Critical-Care NursesAmerican Association of Managed Care NursesAmerican College of Nurse Practitioner,  American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA)

EuropeEuropean Oncology Nursing Society, European Society for Emergency NursingEuropean federation of Critical Care Nurses associationEuropean Federation of Nurses AssociationsEuropean Transcultural Nursing Association, European Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Nurses and AssociatesNational Urological Nursing AssociationsNational Cardiovascular Nursing Societies, Pediatric Nurses Association of EuropeEuropean Nursing Student Association, European Respiratory Nurses Association, European Specialist Nurses Organisations (ESNO)Croatian Association of Cardiology NursesProfessional Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic NursesFinnish Association of Cardiovascular NursingHellenic Society of Cardiovascular Nursing, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular AssociationLatvian Association of NursesDutch Society of Cardiovascular Nursing (NHVV)The Norwegian Society of Cardiovascular NursesSpanish Association of Nursing in Cardiology (AEEC)British Association for Nursing in Cardiovascular CareSwiss Professional Association of Nursing ProfessionalsSlovenian Association Of Emergency And Critical Care NursesFederation of Norwegian Nursing AssociationsHungarian Nursing Association, Polish Nursing AssociationAssociation of Nurses in LebanonJordan Nurses and Midwives CouncilHellenic Nurses AssociationAustrian Health and Nursing AssociationIrish Association for Nurses in Oncology.

Middle EastEmirates Nursing AssociationNational American Arab Nurses AssociationIsraeli Cardiology and Critical Care Nursing  Society, Bahrain Nursing SocietyKuwait Nursing AssociationTurkish Nurses AssociationNursing  Association of Islamic Republic Of Iran, Cyprus Nurses & Midwives AssociationIranian Nursing OrganizationNational Association of Nurses in Israel.

Asia-Pacific : Asia Pacific Paediatric Nurses AssociationAsian Oncology Nursing SocietyInternational Society of Nurses in GeneticsEastern Nursing Research SocietyChinese Nurse Association, Japanese Nursing Association, Philippine Nurses Association, Taiwan Nurses AssociationThe Nursing Association of ThailandMalaysian Nurses AssociationLithuanian Nursing Specialist OrganizationSingapore Nurses' AssociationAustralian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 13-14, 2020
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