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Yoshiko Yamaguchi

Yoshiko Yamaguchi

Faculty of Nursing
Faculty of Nursing
Kwassui Women’s University


Yoshiko Yamaguchi has received her Ph. D in Kyushu University, Japan. Currently, she is working as research associate in Home Care Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Kwassui Women’s University, Japan. She has successfully completed her responsibilities as reviewer for 11 papers from year of 2016 to 2017. She is serving as an editor of International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices and Journal of Comprehensive Nursing Research and Care. And she is honorary president of the scholarly association IAPHLSR: International Association for Promotion of Healthcare and Life-Science Research. She has been awarded as a best presentation of 7th International Conference on Healthcare, Nursing and Disease Management, 2016, Singapore. (Oral presentation), and as a best paper of Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Administration and Policies, (Research article), 2013.

Research Interest

Nursing Research, Healthcare and Life science Research